Friday 27 January 2017

To Kill A Mockingbird - Why Camellias?

I've been doing a bit of further research into the different plant symbolism within To Kill A Mockingbird and feel that Camellias would be the best flower to use for my book cover design due to their different symbolism and meaning in the book.
Firstly, Camellia's are the state flower of Alabama, the state in which To Kill A Mockingbird is set.
Looking into symbolism within the book, Mrs Dubose's camellias represent the racism and prejudice found in Macomb County. You can then look at the fact that Camellias are difficult to get rid of, having to be pulled up by their roots to stop the plant from growing/flowering. This relates to the message in the book that to effectively eradicate racism and prejudice, one must be level headed with a caring heart. This also links to Jem's rash behaviour in cutting off the heads of Mrs Dubose's Camellias and how violence can not simply erase prejudice and racism.
We can also look at the symbolism of the Camellia when Mrs Dubose leaves Jem a single Camellia in perfect condition. This reminds us that we must approach difficult issues with compassions and understanding.

To me, the symbolism of the Camellia is linked to a lot of important themes and ideas that run throughout the book and I think because of this it would be a really great starting point for my book cover designs. It strays away from the usual symbol of the mockingbird whilst still having a connection to the key ideas in the book.

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